5 Best Places to Learn about Node.js

5 Best Places to Learn about Node.js

How do you manage to stay on top of things in the fast-paced Node.js world?

We compiled a list of the best learning and newsgathering sources for you. The list will be handy both for beginners and for seasoned developers.

1. Node Weekly

We hate spam. But we love Node Weekly.
One newsletter every Friday, packed with awesome news and best tips. If you don't trust newsletters, there's a "free" sample of the latest edition. You can check it out without leaving your email address and decide whether it's the right thing for you.
The newsletter already has more than 35.000 subscribers.

2. /r/node

Reddit has a mountain of useful info for anyone, including developers. The /r/node community is updated quite frequently and there is a bunch of developers ready to give you a hand with anything you need.

3. Official Node.js

This Medium blog is the place where all the news is published first. Apart from that, they make sure to recommend the best learning sources for developers.
Posts are mostly short and to the point, you won't need more than 10 minutes per post.

4. Nodesource

If you're looking for case studies and open-source projects, this is the right place.
They also publish a roundup called "Last week in Node.js".
This blog contains some pretty decent beginner's guides. This is a company blog, so you might need to go through some product promotions along the way.

5. How to Node

This blog hasn't been updated for a while now, but it has great archives. You can find excellent posts on content syndication, the basics of deploying to Heroku, testing, and other topics.


If you're a web developer who's still a little confused about Node.js and its implications, here's a great read. This post will tell you everything you need to know about its pros and cons, compared to Ruby on Rails.