Why We Decided It's Time for the New Approach to Blogging

Why We Decided It's Time for the New Approach to Blogging

Right now, we are going through something Britney Spears probably did, back in '07. Well, not that serious, but it's been a pretty bumpy road.

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Lately, we have been thinking more about our blogging approach and the content we provided for our readers.

Make no mistake, blogging is a serious thing. Having a blog, whether you are a person or a company, can make you limitless and give your voice a chance to be heard. If HubSpot is writing about this then it must be true!

On the other hand, blogging is like having a powerful magic wand - it can turn you into something you are not. More precisely, only YOU can turn yourself into something you are not. Unfortunately, that's what we did.

What is this blog post about, you may ask? It's about us turning a new page in our book of blogging adventures. A new approach to blogging.

Our previous approach to blogging had a few goals. Our primary goal was to help developers, the rock stars of our modern ages. Furthermore, we wanted to help startup companies to spread their wings - to inform and inspire them.

Not to say we haven't had any success. We have had! The developers loved, among others, our posts about Cucumber cheat sheet and CarrierWave upload multiple images. But that's not good enough.

We are all humans, we make mistakes. The important thing is to acknowledge them and make improvements.

Don't worry, we are not quitters. We are going to work harder and smarter, in order to deliver quality content for you. A quality content about what we know best - software development challenges, working with the clients, solving day-to-day development issues and tech news.

There is one more surprise. In order to help you start up your business, we are going to create pages where you can submit your code and design and we'll check it out and give you a review. It's all about giving back to the community.

Thank you for sticking with us and being our reader!

Here's to our new approach to blogging! raising a glass of water in the office

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