Healthcare Startups

Healthcare Startups

The revolution of the tech era undoubtedly had to bring changes in the field of medicine.
Whether we like it or not, we are constantly attached to our digital devices, smartphones, tablets… And whether we like it or not, we all need medical help at some time. So, why wouldn’t we use this technology to make it easier for us as patients?
This is exactly what the healthcare startups are trying to do. We bring you a list of 8 healthcare startups we thought you would like to know about.

1. StartUp Health

StartUp Health was founded in 2011 by Steven Krein and Unity Stoakes and is chaired by Jerry Levin.
The organization is represented by a community of entrepreneurs who want to change the healthcare system and bring forward their new vision of healthcare. They state that they have the largest portfolio of digital health companies into which they plan to invest considerable amounts of money in order to support them. To get an investment, one needs to be a part of the StartUp Health Moonshot Academy and make a contribution to the “global army of Health Transformers."

2. Maven

Maven was launched in 2015 by the CEO Kate Ryder and is located in New York.
It functions as an online clinic for women and families by providing them with better heathcare via their online platform. Patients can book a video appointment or send a message to a specialized medical team that is always available.
The ultimate goal of Maven is better maternity and family benefits for working parents. They want the female voice to be heard in the much needed reform of the health care system. Kate Ryder says:

“While 96 percent of expecting mothers say that they are excited to go back to work after giving birth, fewer than 60 percent remain in the workforce after the first year.”

Maven is planning to change that, by helping both the companies and their female employees.

3. 23andme

The company was founded in 2006 in California by Linda Avey, Paul Cusenza and Anne Wojcicki.
Initially, 23andme were providing information about a person’s ancestry, all using the information written in 23 pairs of chromosomes. However, using their genetic testing, they can now also provide the costumer with information about inherited diseases, such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.
The procedure for obtaining this information is quite simple. You order a DNA kit, register so your results can be processed, and send back the kit with your saliva sample to get the information about your family.

4. Viome

Viome is led by CEO Naveen Jain. It was founded by Jain and a group of entrepreneurs. What their organization does may be the best use of technology for the cause of health improvement.
Viome identifies and quantifies the microorganisms in a person’s gut. By applying machine learning to analyze what the microorganisms are doing, VIOME then gives personalized nutritional recommendations in order to balance micro biome in the gut of the person. They state that many chronic illnesses can be prevented with this.

5. Freenome

Since they have been founded in 2014, Freenome have been using biology, computer science and machine learning for cancer screening.
Their mission is to have non-invasive disease screenings via the use of technology and knowledge.
What helps them to achieve their goal is the fact that the human genome remains mostly unchanged during one’s lifetime, while the freenome of a person changes almost every day. At Freenome, they state:

“Our freenome is composed of fragments of blood-borne DNA and RNA, shed by the cells in the body as they die, giving us a snapshot of your cellular health at any given time. By studying the freenome with machine learning, we’ve found novel signatures to detect diseases such as cancer in the very early stages at a time when they are most treatable and curable.”

6. BrainCheck

BrainCheck was founded by Dr. David Eagleman in 2014 and is based in Houston.
They make neurocognitive tests look like a game you play on your tablet, but the results are highly valuable.
BrainCheck provides a battery of tests that use objective, standardized methods to get an image of your brain health in a few minutes. Scores can then be compared to your individual baseline and to the population average.
The mission is to measure different cognitive functions, as well as balance and coordination, which is all possible with the use of modern technology.

7. Xealth

Xealth was launched in 2016 and is led by CEO Mike McSherry and COO Aaron Sheedy.
They bring the new era of technology into heath care, using a cloud-based technology for specialists to prescribe customized digital healthcare content, such as useful exercises, educational apps and videos, and similar.
Xealth helps modernize and improve the standard doctor-patient relationship, by engaging patients more into their therapies, via digital content.

8. Babylon Health

Babylon Health was founded in 2013 in London by a British entrepreneur Ali Parsa.
It is actually a personal online health service, where specialists are 24/7 at your disposal, so you can have a video or audio call, or text them when in need of medical advice. Also, you can get prescriptions, so that you can pick up your medicine at the nearest pharmacy or get them delivered to you.
In a way, Babylon Health provides you with an online doctor that you can reach via the app. You don’t google your symptoms, but instead, send them to your doctor and get a quick response of what to do.