4 Best Startup Blogs for a Busy Entrepreneur

4 Best Startup Blogs for a Busy Entrepreneur

We know startup life can be quite hectic at times. Whether you’re a founder, a manager or an employee, you need to prioritize a lot if you want to keep up with this fast-paced environment. So, let’s make that job much easier for you. Instead of getting flooded with information and countless “must-read” blog posts, we suggest these four blogs are just enough.


Unexpectedly, we’re sharing a “corporate” blog first. Close.io is a tool for sales optimization, and that’s exactly what their blog specializes in. The posts are packed with practical tips on various fields of sales. Negotiations, overcoming objections, creating a sales script, closing deals under various circumstances… It’s all there for you or your sales team to use. There’s basic stuff for beginners, but also some more advanced techniques.


Andrew Chan writes long posts with a lot of insight and understanding of the current market, how we got here, and where we’re headed to. So, this one is great when you need a deeper understanding of the issues you’re facing. It can also be great for future-proofing your business.
Apart from that, there are also some very practical topics. For example “How to create a profitable freemium startup” with a spreadsheet model included.
Either way, when you’re reading this one, make sure you have enough time to focus.


Even though this is another blog run in order to sell a product, it offers a lot to any business owner who wants to invest time and money into developing marketing. For example, there are “6 things I wish someone had told me before I built a marketing department”
There’s a lot about analytics and tracking (since that’s what the product specializes in), customer experience, growth, conversions


You never know what’s coming next on Zapier blog. Of course, there are posts on how to integrate Zapier with different things and how to save time with it.
But, they also blog on various interesting topics - delegating, productivity, efficiency, making decisions… It’s really everything a business owner should know. And they’re written in a light and friendly tone that’s enjoyable to read.
For example, here’s an article on how to procrastinate with a purpose.